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Access to all our bots, paid monthly. PC Only
Huge amount of features including multi-instancing for infinite accounts. Save tons of money and time! Progress faster than anyone else in your server with infinite resources!
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Our best deal, paid yearly. PC Only
Same as the basic plan, however, you pay yearly for a big discount in terms of monthly price. Save tons of money and time! Progress faster than anyone else in your server with infinite resources!
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    User with Active Membership

    Bought the bot around a week or so ago and killer has been pushing none stop updates out daily. Any bugs reported have been noted and promptly resolved. Though the bot is in alpha the features available already are insane. So much potential here. Gz on making something so useful killer.


      User with Active Membership

      Help and communication is really good 10/10 The bot works great! when set right 10/10


        User with Active Membership

        Insanely good value for money also @Killerexp is doing an amazing job with communicating their process with us. 10/10 would recommend!